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Kaj počne cianurna kislina (stabilizator) v bazenih

Kaj počne cianurna kislina (stabilizator) v bazenih

Cianurična kislina je bistvena sestavina kemije katerega koli zunanjega bazena.

Čeprav se o njem veliko manj razpravlja kot o drugih kemičnih dejavnikih, kot sta raven klora in pH v vašem bazenu, je vzdrževanje idealne ravni cianurne kisline v vašem bazenu bistveno za ohranjanje ravnovesja teh drugih kemikalij.

V tem poglobljenem vodniku o cianurni kislini bomo razpravljali o tem, kaj je ta kislina, kako se uporablja v bazenih in o drugih imenih, ki jih boste morda imenovali.

Obstaja veliko različnih kemikalij, ki se uporabljajo za vzdrževanje čistih in varnih bazenov za ljudi. Ena od teh kemikalij se imenuje cianurna kislina ali stabilizator. Toda kaj točno počne ta kemikalija in zakaj je pomembna?

Cianurna kislina je vrsta kemikalije, ki se uporablja za stabilizacijo klora v bazenih. Klor je ena najpogostejših kemikalij, ki se uporabljajo za ubijanje bakterij in drugih mikroorganizmov v bazenih. Vendar pa ga lahko pokvari sončna svetloba, kar je težava, če želite ohraniti svoj bazen čist in varen dlje časa. Tu nastopi cianurna kislina.

Ko se cianurna kislina doda bazenu, se veže na molekule klora in jih pomaga zaščititi pred razgradnjo na sončni svetlobi. To pomeni, da bo klor v bazenu trajal dlje in vam ga ne bo treba dodajati toliko, da bo bazen ostal čist.

Toda cianurna kislina ne le stabilizira klor. Pomaga tudi pri preprečevanju rasti alg v bazenu. Alge so lahko velik problem v bazenih, saj lahko povzročijo, da je voda videti zelena in neprivlačna. Z dodajanjem cianurinske kisline v bazen lahko preprečite rast alg.

Druga prednost cianurne kisline je, da vam lahko pomaga prihraniti denar. S stabilizacijo klora v bazenu in preprečevanjem rasti alg vam ne bo treba uporabljati toliko klora ali drugih kemikalij. S tem lahko sčasoma prihranite denar za vzdrževanje bazena.

Vendar pa je pomembno, da cianurno kislino uporabljate pravilno. Preveč ga lahko dejansko zmanjša učinkovitost klora in naredi bazen manj varen. Priporočljivo je vzdrževati raven cianurne kisline med 30 in 50 deli na milijon (ppm) v zunanjih bazenih in med 10 in 30 ppm v notranjih bazenih.

Skratka, cianurna kislina je pomembna kemikalija za ohranjanje bazenov čistih, varnih in privlačnih za uporabo. S stabilizacijo klora in preprečevanjem rasti alg lahko sčasoma prihranite denar za vzdrževanje bazena. Prepričajte se, da ga uporabljate pravilno in ohranite ravni v priporočenem območju za najboljše rezultate.

Swimming pools require regular maintenance and care to ensure they remain clean and safe for swimmers. One crucial aspect of maintaining a swimming pool is monitoring the levels of cyanuric acid, also known as stabiliser. Cyanuric acid plays an essential role in keeping the chlorine levels stable and preventing it from dissipating quickly due to sunlight. This article aims to delve into what cyanuric acid does in swimming pools and how to test the levels.

What does Cyanuric Acid do in Swimming Pools?

Cyanuric acid is a chemical compound that acts as a stabiliser in swimming pools. It helps to prolong the lifespan of chlorine in the water by shielding it from the sun’s UV rays, which can break down the chlorine quickly. Without cyanuric acid, pool owners would have to add chlorine more often, leading to higher costs.

Cyanuric acid also helps to maintain the pH level of the pool water, which is necessary for a comfortable swimming experience. This is because unstable pH levels can cause skin and eye irritation and damage pool equipment, leading to an increase in maintenance costs.

How to Test Cyanuric Acid Levels

Testing the cyanuric acid levels in your swimming pool is vital for ensuring its safety and longevity. Here are the steps to test the cyanuric acid levels in your pool:

Step One: Obtain a Cyanuric Acid Testing Kit

You can purchase a cyanuric acid testing kit at any pool supply store. These kits typically come with testing strips, a comparator, and a chart that helps you interpret the results.

Step Two: Collect a Sample of Pool Water

Using a clean plastic container, collect a sample of pool water from approximately one foot below the surface. Be sure to collect enough water to fill the testing vial.

Step Three: Test the Cyanuric Acid Levels

Dip the testing strip into the water sample and hold for the recommended time. Next, compare the strip’s color to that on the chart provided in the testing kit. The color of the strip corresponds to a specific cyanuric acid level in the water.

If the cyanuric acid levels in the pool are too high, it can reduce the effectiveness of the chlorine, leading to the growth of harmful bacteria and algae. On the other hand, low cyanuric acid levels could cause the chlorine to dissipate too quickly, leading to higher chlorine costs.

In conclusion, cyanuric acid plays a crucial role in maintaining clean and safe swimming pools.

Problems Caused by Low Cyanuric Acid Levels

Low cyanuric acid levels in pools can be problematic. Without the stabilizing effect of cyanuric acid, the chlorine in the pool will be weakened by the sun’s rays, which will require a lot more chlorine to maintain a safe level of sanitation in the pool.

In addition, low cyanuric acid levels can cause the pool to be vulnerable to bacteria and algae, as there will be inadequate protection against the sun’s UV rays. This can lead to cloudy and algae-filled water, which is not only unappealing but also poses health risks for swimmers.

Another problem caused by low cyanuric acid levels is that it can lead to an imbalanced pH level in the pool, making the water more acidic. This can cause skin irritation and other health issues for swimmers, as well as damage to the pool’s infrastructure.


In conclusion, cyanuric acid is an essential chemical in maintaining a healthy and safe swimming pool. It helps to stabilize chlorine, protects against UV rays, and reduces the amount of chlorine needed. Low cyanuric acid levels can cause various problems leading to bacterial growth, imbalanced pH levels, algae, skin irritation, and structural damage to the pool. Therefore, it is important to test the cyanuric acid levels in your pool regularly and maintain them at an appropriate level to ensure a clean and enjoyable swimming experience.

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